.Warm Love
.(2006.2.25) Warm Love
.(2007.3.31) Warm Love
.(2007.4.8) Warm Love
.New York
.(2006.12.8) 1: You Know The Drill
.(2006.12.8) 2: The Deaf Bandits
.(2006.12.8) 3: The Singing Beggars
.With A Little Help From My Friends
.(2007.6.30) The Special
.(2006.12.12) The Commons
.(2006.4.12) Ha Ha Ha, Josh Hanlin Fucks Boys Under The Age of Six
.(2006.2.9) The Writing Group
.(2005.10.5) Kon's Birthday Quest
.(2005.5.29) Big Sarah's Big Birthday Song Epic
.(2004.7.17) A Guy, We'll Call Him Mars
.Tim Bugaloo
.(2004.11.20) 1: Exhausted
.(2004.11.25) 2: New Job
.(2004.12.1) 3: Blow Job
.Life Without Parol�
.(2004.8.19) Season 6 Episode 1 (Miserable Camp Out)
.Writing Class Experiment (Senior Year, University of Washington)
.(2003.2.5) Man, These Stories Write Themselves
.(2003.2.5) Man, These Stories Write Themselves
.(2003.2.5) Man, These Stories Write Themselves
.(2003.2.5) Man, These Stories Write Themselves
.(2003.2.5) Man, These Stories Write Themselves
.(2003.2.7) Let'sjustgooverthis1moretime (a recap)
.(2003.3.6-10) The English Class Backlash
.(2003.3.13) On This Night (Story 1 Revision)
.Anatomy of a Short Story: From Conception to Final Cut
.(2002.10.21) Open Wide and Say "Ahh"
.(2002.10.30) Open Wide and Say "Ahh"
.(2002.11.12) Crazy Terrorist Beginning
.(2002.12.2) Tentatively Titled: Toning It Down For Network Television
.(2002.12.10) Warm Beer: Toning It Down For Network Television
.(2002.12.10) Warm Beer: Toning It Down For Network Television
.(2002.12.11) Warm Beer: Toning It Down For Network Television
Little Things
.(1988) Little Things, by Ramond Carver
.(2000.11.27) Little Things 2